
Wykonany od podstaw elektroniczny prędkościomierz do motocykla MZ ETZ. Prędkościomierz współpracuje z impulsatorem z Lanosa. Cewka powietrzna pochodzi z zegarów z Renault Megane I z 1996r. Sercem układu jest mikrokontroler Attiny2313 który steruje zarówno wyświetlaczem LCD jak i cewką powietrzą (poprzez mostek L293DD). Wsad zajmuje 2024 bajty (czyli prawie 100%), sterowanie wskazówką zostało zrealizowane przez programowy PWM.

Schemat układu:

Schemat prędkościomierza ETZ

Kody źródłowe, schemat w formacie eagle można znaleźć na moim GitHubie

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3 thoughts on “Prędkościomierz

  1. Zsolt Rabi

    Awesome job! How did you create the housing? The clockface, the glass, the case.

    1. milyges Autor wpisu

      I used original MZ ETZ box from speedometer. Only clock face and electronics are created from scratch. It is build from laminated prints on paper and foil glued on plexiglass. I will post more pics if I will find it.

      1. Zsolt Rabi

        I see. It’s incredible!

        My hobby is to restore old stuff, until now I only did with old computers – like Commodore 128. I’m extending the product range to motorbikes 🙂 I just bought an old ETZ 125 in a pretty bad condition. I’d like to restore it, and make a few modernization – like these clocks what you’ve created. I’m a computer engineer, so I have the technical background for the hardware and software part, but I have no clue about how to create a case, clockface, pointer etc. I’m thinking about to use a 3D printer to print the case.

        I would appreciate if you could upload more photos!

        Do you still have the machine? 🙂

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